Students from The Hague Centre For Young Musicians performed in a concert of classical chamber music and vocal music. Watch…
Senior Summer Solo Concert 2014 – 12Jul14
Concert of Vocal, Instrumental, Jazz and Chamber Music performances by Students of the CYM. Videos will be uploaded over the…
Junior Summer Solo Concert 2014 – 05Jul14
Concert of Vocal, Instrumental, Jazz and Chamber Music performances by Students of the CYM. Videos will be uploaded over the…
CYM Choir ABRSM Choral Exam – Recording of the Pieces
On 29. March 2014 13 students from the CYM Choir participated in the ABRSM Intermediate Choral Examination along with two students…
Spring Concert 2014 – 05Apr14
Concert of Vocal, Instrumental, Jazz and Chamber Music performances by Students of the CYM. Videos will be uploaded over the…
ABRSM Exam Dates Summer-2014
Raksha Gopalakrishnan won first prize in the Prinses Christina Concours
Congratulations to Raksha Gopalakrishnan who has won first prize in the Prinses Christina Concours West 1 competition 2014 in Rotterdam!…
CYM Students Joined the Cantata 106
On 29 March 2014 Becca and Benedict Munden, Kim McKenzie, Charlotte Berry and Raksha Gopalakrishnan performed in a stunning Baroque…
CYM Choir ABRSM Exam
On 29. March 2014 13 students from the CYM Choir participated in the ABRSM Intermediate Choral Examination along with two students…